Monday, January 3, 2011

Roman Abbreviations

Classes in Cedar Hill start back tomorrow!  Again, I hope that all students have gotten plenty of rest!

So here's a question to get you thinking.  Anybody can play along!

Before we left for Christmas, a question I posed involved the word MIX as the only English word that is made completely of Roman Numerals.  MIX translates to 1009.  (Thanks for the information, Math-e-magic by Blum, Hart-Davis, Longe, and Niederman, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2010.) 

So I would like to do the reverse of this.  I'll give you a number that translates to a common abbreviation.  Your job is to figure out what the abbreviation stands for.

     Example:  1500

     Solution:  1500 is MD in Roman Numerals.  What does MD stand for?  Medical Doctor

     The answer is medical doctor.

For my students, I will give extra credit toward this (if completed by Friday, January 7, 2011 at 11:59 PM).  You will get one point for each one you get correct; if you get all five correct, that's 10 points.  The points can be redeemed towards a quiz or test grade in the third six weeks.

For my not-so-afraid friends, I will honor you with recognition and know that the check is in the mail.


1.  400
2.  40
3.  101
4.  600
5.  900

You may send a message on my Facebook page or post on this blog.  Good luck!

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