Friday, April 2, 2010

Make-Up Tests for District Formative Assessment #3

Below are the links to the make-up tests for the formative assessment. You will have until TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2010 at 8:00 AM to turn in. You can get an 80 on the test if you get all of the questions right. If you miss no more than three, you get a 70.

Make sure to show all of your work!

For the Geometry test, please click here.

For the Algebra test, please click here.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weekly Assignments #28

The assignments listed below are due by Friday, April 2, 2010. Yes, we do have school on Friday!

Algebra I
1. pg. 565-566, #6-26 (even), 38, 40

Geometry Pre-AP
1. Students will have to do either a STUDY ISLAND assignment or an alternate assignment related to Math TAKS Objective 5.

2. Once a student makes a choice on doing the Study Island or the alternate assignment, that choice is FINAL.

3. Students can do both for extra credit, but must decide that as quickly as possible.

4. For Study Island, here's what you will have to do...
  • Go to
  • Password: Your ID # (No example given)
  • Go to "My Class" on the lefthand side.
  • Click on "TAKS Obj. 5 Practice".
  • Do exactly TEN (10) questions on the two sections shown. NO MORE, NO LESS!
  • There will be a THREE-POINT penalty for each number of questions over the required 10 for each section.
  • Good luck! If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at