Thursday, January 28, 2010

Geometry Class Notes, Volume 1

You want some class notes? I got your class notes!

For the notes for Section 7.2, click here.

For the notes for Section 7.3, click here.


And Algebra I, I'm still working on notes for you!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Homework #20

These are the assignments for the week of January 25, 2010:

Algebra I:
1. TAKS Workbook pg. 47, ALL PROBLEMS
2. Textbook: pg. 305-307, #4-10 (even), 20, 22, 32, 38
*Homework is due on FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2010.

Geometry Pre-AP:
1. pg. 444-445, #15-20, 24, 28, 30
2. pg. 453-454, #6-12 (even), 20-26 all
3. Your homework and Blog Question #4 is due on FRIDAY, JANUARY 29,

You have Math and English benchmarks on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Be prepared to do your best!