Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Geometry Question #5

If you are looking for Geometry Question #4, click here.

Thank you for visiting the blog. You have until Friday, February 12, 2010 by 10:00 PM to answer the following TWO-PART question. Make sure that you use COMPLETE sentences. For example, "No", "Yes", or "I don't know" would not be acceptable for full credit.

Click on the link above and then post your comment. If you haven't signed up for the blog, click on the "Follow" button in the left margin.

If you choose not to "Follow" the blog, click the drop down arrow below the comment box and choose "Anonymous".

Either way you do it, be sure to include your first and last name, class period, and your answer to the question in the comment box.

If you have any problems commenting, please e-mail me.

Here is the two-part question...
a. My hometown of Austin is the capital of Texas. The city of Austin has one more letter than the state the city is in. Can you name two other capital cities (and their states) that follow this same pattern?

b. Find the length of BD, AD, and AB in the following picture. Round any decimals in your answers to the nearest tenth.

Weekly Assignments #21

These are the assignments for the week of February 1, 2010:

Algebra I:
1. Make-Up Packet. If you would like this, see me in class or e-mail
me at whatsmynumber@gmail.com

2. The packet is due the school day after you receive it.

3. The last day I will give out a packet is Wednesday, February 3, 2010.


Geometry Pre-AP:
1. Pg. 461-462, #11-20, 23-25

2. Blog Question #4 was due on FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2010. You have
until this FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2010 to get it in late for 10 points off.

3. Blog Question #5 is now up.

4. Don't forget to let me know what topic you plan to teach or make a
PowerPoint of as soon as possible. See your checklist for more details.

You have a 3-week test on Thursday, February 4, 2010. We will review
on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Solution Set for Geometry (Week #20)

To get a copy of the worked-out solutions for the homework for the week of January 25,2010, please click here.

Be patient! It's kind of a large file!