Wednesday, October 21, 2009

That Special Number

The number 4 is used in a lot of situations:

1. Four quarters in a football or basketball game
2. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
3. Texting
4. Golf... no, no that's a different one.

But did you know that it's the only number that when spelled has the same number of letters as itself?

4 = F O U R

(4 letters!)

Neat, huh?

Two Questions for 10/21/2009

Below is the questions that I gave on Wednesday, October 21st, for when I was absent. Students are to turn this in to the sub BEFORE leaving their class period.

Algebra I
1. Taylor has six dollars in his pocket. He makes $12 an hour for tutoring Algebra. How many hours must he make tutor to have $162 total in his pocket?

2. Simplify: 8h + 3(4 -2h) - 5(6 - h).

Geometry Pre-AP

1. The vertices of triangle GHI and triangle RST are G(-2, 5), H(2, 5), I(-2, 2), R(-9, 8), S(-5, 8) and T(-9, 5). Graph each triangle and find the perimeter of each one.

2. Are triangle GHI and triangle RST congruent? Explain.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekly Homework #9

This week's homework is due on Friday, October 23rd!

Algebra I:

Mixed Practice Worksheet

Geometry Pre-AP:

Textbook: pg. 228, #3, 5-10, 12, 14-21 [Section 4.2]
Textbook: pg. 236, #1-4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14-21 [Section 4.3]

Assessment on FRIDAY!