Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Geometry Question #10

Thank you for visiting the blog. You have until Friday, May 7, 2010 by 11:59 PM to answer the following TWO-PART question. Make sure that you use COMPLETE sentences. For example, "No", "Yes", or "I don't know" would not be acceptable for full credit.

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Here is the two-part question... This counts as TWO homework grades!

a. Write down the dates May 8 (my birthday!), May 12, May 14, May 26, and June 5. There is something in common with these dates. It doesn't matter what year these dates fall. Can you figure out what the common trait is?

b. Solve the following equation by factoring the trinomial. I need BOTH values of x.

3x2 + 20x - 32 = 0