Saturday, February 27, 2010

Geometry Pre-AP Make-Up Test for 4th Six Weeks

Thanks for visiting the blog!

You have an opportunity to make-up your test for Geometry. Please read the following instructions before you begin it.

1. You have 10 questions to answer.
2. You can receive up to an 80 on this test if you answer ALL questions correctly.
3. You will receive a 70 if you miss no more than THREE questions.
4. The way to submit your answers to this test:

a. E-mail me at with your answers by 10:00 PM on Sunday, February 28, 2010.


b. You will print the test with your work and turn it in by the BEGINNING of your class period on Monday, March 1, 2010.

5. Absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to the above.

6. I will not accept BOTH ways from one student. Doing so, will void your results for this make-up test.

7. Do your best on it! Good luck!

Are you ready to get the test? You can find it HERE.

If you have trouble getting the test, please e-mail me at

Friday, February 26, 2010

Algebra I Make-Up Test for 4th Six Weeks

Thanks for visiting the blog!

You have an opportunity to make-up your test for Algebra I. Please read the following instructions before you begin it.

1. You have 10 questions to answer.
2. You can receive up to a 90 on this make-up test if you ALL of the questions are answered correctly.
3. You will receive an 80 if you miss ONE question.
4. You will receive a 70 if you miss no more than THREE questions.
5. The way to submit your answers to this test:

a. E-mail me at with your answers by 10:00 PM on Sunday, February 28, 2010.


b. You will print the test with your work and turn it in by the BEGINNING of your class period on Monday, March 1, 2010.

6. Absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to the above.

7. I will not accept BOTH ways from one student. Doing so, will void your results for this make-up test.

8. Do your best on it! Good luck!

Are you ready to get the test? You can find it HERE.

If you have trouble getting the test, please e-mail me at

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Geometry Review Key

For a copy of the review for the Geometry test on Thursday, Feburary 25, 2010, please click here.

If you have any questions about the review, please e-mail me at

Weekly Homework #24

Here are the assignments for the week of February 22, 2010:

Algebra I
1. TAKS Homework Packet: Objectives 7 and 8
2. You have a test on Thursday, February 25, 2010. There will be 15 questions on the following topics:
a. Systems of Equations (5 questions)
b. Linear Inequalities (5 questions)
c. TAKS Objectives 3 and 4 (5 questions total)

Geometry Pre-AP
1. Textbook pg. 554-555, #3-11, 22, 24, 26, 28
2. You have a test on Thursday, February 25, 2010. The test will cover ALL of Chapter 8 in your textbook.

Both Classes:
You may use ONE PAGE of notes for your test on Thursday.

Any questions? E-mail me at

Monday, February 22, 2010

Section 8.6 Notes

The video for Geometry section 8.6. Please post a comment after these videos for feedback. Include your first name and last initial in your comment. Thanks!

Here's part one:

Here's part two:

Here's part three:

Here's part four: