Friday, April 16, 2010

Make-Up for Fifth Six Weeks Test

If you are taking the test for the first time (that means you were not in class on Friday, April 16th, 2010), you will need to e-mail me for your test and instructions at

Below are the links to the make-up tests for the formative assessment. You will have until MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2010 at 3:45 PM to turn in.

You will receive an 80 on the test if you get ALL of the questions right.

If you miss no more than three, you will receive a 70.

Make sure to show all of your work!

For the Microsoft Word version, please click here.

For the Adobe Acrobat version, please click here.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Algebra & Geometry Pre-AP: Fifth Six Weeks Test Review

For a copy of the review we did in class today, click the appropriate link. Remember, your test on Friday, April 16, 2010, is the last grade before this six weeks!

For the PowerPoint version, click here.

For the Adobe Acrobat version, click here.

Good luck on the test! If you have any questions about the review, comment on this post below or e-mail me at

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weekly Homework #30

Here is a list of homework assignments for the week of April 12, 2010...

Algebra I

1. TAKS Workbook: pg. 95, #3, 6; pg. 98, #1-8, pg. 123, #1, 2, 5, 6; pg. 127, #1-6
If you want a cut and paste job of these problems, please click here.

Geometry Pre-AP

1. Mixed Review, TAKS Obj. 9 and 10. For a copy of these problems, click here.

2. Classwork for April 13, 2010. You'll need to do this to prepare for Wednesday's activity. Click here for a copy.

How would you like to earn some extra credit? Then you can answer the Blog Question #9. It is an Algebra-based question, so try it out! Click here to view it.

Also, Swish needs markers and batteries! Bring in ONE pack of dry erase markers for 5 points on a test. Bring in ONE pack of AAA batteries for 5 points on a test. You can do both, but the limit is ONE.

Geometry Bonus Blog #9

Thank you for visiting the blog. You have until Saturday, April 17, 2010 by 12:00 NOON to answer the following TWO-PART question. Make sure that you use COMPLETE sentences. For example, "No", "Yes", or "I don't know" would not be acceptable for full credit.

Click on the link above and then post your comment. If you haven't signed up for the blog, click on the "Follow" button in the left margin.

If you choose not to "Follow" the blog, click the drop down arrow below the comment box and choose "Anonymous".

Either way you do it, be sure to include your first and last name, class period, and your answer to the question in the comment box.

If you have any problems commenting, please e-mail me.

This is a bonus blog, which will count as 1 extra QUIZ grade (I'll drop your lowest quiz grade this six weeks). If both parts are correct (with the correct explantaions for each), you will get the QUIZ grade and FIFTEEN POINTS on a TEST grade.

Here is the two-part question...
a. Write the step by step procedure to answer this question: A line passes through the points (-2, 3), (2, 5), and (6, k). Find the value of k.

b. Write the step by step procedure to factor this trinomial:

3x2 + 2xy - 8y2

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Geometry Pre-AP: Weekly Homework #29 Help

I will not give a key for this homework assignment that is now due Monday, April 12, 2010. Instead I will give advice towards the answers.

For the Adobe Acrobat file, click here.

For the Microsoft Word file, click here.