Thursday, August 27, 2009

Homework Assignments: Week of August 24, 2009

Algebra I: Order of Operations Worksheet, Crossing the River

Geometry Pre-AP: pg. 5-7, #3-6, 8-11, 15-36 (multiples of 3), Crossing the River

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick Question...

How many postive numbers less than 10 have an odd number of letters when spelled out?

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

What's My Number? Rules

Welcome to the What's My Number game!

The object of the the game is to be the first in your class period to come up with a 3 or 4-digit number based on a set of clues given during the week. One clue will be given per day and the clues get easier as the week progresses.

When you post an answer, please include the following:

First and Last Name
Subject and Class Period
Your Number is _____________ .

If you are the first person in your class period to either e-mail me at or post to this blog with the correct answer, you will win a 100 on a homework grade and a certain number of points earned on a TEST grade for the six weeks based on when you answer the clue...

1st Day: 10 points
2nd Day: 8 points
3rd Day: 6 points
4th Day: 5 points

You may guess up to TWO (2) times each week. If more than two guesses are submitted, you are DISQUALIFIED from that week's number. Guesses must be submitted by 10:00 PM on the day the last clue is given. No answers will be accepted after this time!

One other wrinkle: If you win, you will have to sit the game out for ONE week. This allows other students to a chance to win as well.

There are no carryovers from week to week, which means if no one has guessed the number by the end of the week, the points disappear. Good luck!

For this week's clues, click here. For the rules, read below.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at

What Did You Do During Summer Vacation?

After you have become a follower, please post something you did that was interesting this past summer.