Saturday, November 14, 2009

Make-Up for Six Weeks Test for Algebra & Geometry

Hello all!

If you did not get at least an 80 on the six weeks test that was taken on Thursday, November 12th, you have a chance to make it up. Here's how:

1. I have written a test in Microsoft Word that I will e-mail to you when you are ready to take the test.

2. In order to let me know that you are ready, you must e-mail me at

3. Expect me to send you an e-mail with the test within 5 minutes.

4. By the time I send it to you, you will have exactly ONE HOUR to take the test.

5. When you are finished with your test, you will submit your answers into the body of an e-mail in this fashion...
Class Period

1. Answer
2. Answer
3. Answer
4. Answer
5. Answer
6. Answer
7. Answer
8. Answer
9. Answer
10. Answer

6. You many only submit answers ONCE, so please be sure you check your answers before sending it in.

7. Also, if you do not submit your answers within the ONE HOUR, I will not accept it all. So only e-mail me at first when you know you can devote up to an hour on the test.

8. If you get all 10 questions right, you will receive an 80. If you miss no more than 3 questions, you will get a 70. Otherwise, your score will be the number of questions correct times 10.

9. If you are doing this, you must complete this by Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 10:00 PM.

10. If you have any other questions, please e-mail me at

11. Good luck!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Weekly Homework #12

There is no homework for this week. However, there are extra credit opportunities for both subjects.

Algebra I:

1. TAKS WB pg. 43
2. Solving Equations Worksheet, part 2

Geometry Pre-AP:
1. Bingo Plays Worksheet

As a reminder, our six weeks test will be on Thursday, November 12. Reviews will be given on Wednesday!

Extra Credit Items:
Dry Erase Markers (4 pack): 5 points on a test (Limit 1)
Box of Tissues (new): 100 on a homework grade (Limit 1)

The end of the six weeks is on Friday, November 13.