Saturday, January 15, 2011

MLK and His Numbers

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday today (January 15), it gave me a chance to think of some facts related to him...

1.  This would've been Dr. King's 82nd birthday.  If you switch the numbers around in 82, you would get 28 --- the number of years ago that President Ronald Reagan signed the bill to give the doctor a holiday in his name.

2.  28 is also the date in August 1963 that Dr. King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech.

3.  28 is also divisible by 4, which happens to be the number of children that he and his wife, Coretta Scott King, had.

4.  Since his birthday has been honored as a national federal holiday, January 15th has been the 3rd Monday of the month four times (1990, 1996, 2001, 2007).  There's that four again...

5.  Unfortunately, 4 is also the date that Dr. King passed away in April 1968 in Memphis, TN.

Speaking for everyone (if I may), thank you, Dr. King, for all of the efforts you gave to the American people of all races!

This post is for you, sir!

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