Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weekly Homework #30

Here is a list of homework assignments for the week of April 12, 2010...

Algebra I

1. TAKS Workbook: pg. 95, #3, 6; pg. 98, #1-8, pg. 123, #1, 2, 5, 6; pg. 127, #1-6
If you want a cut and paste job of these problems, please click here.

Geometry Pre-AP

1. Mixed Review, TAKS Obj. 9 and 10. For a copy of these problems, click here.

2. Classwork for April 13, 2010. You'll need to do this to prepare for Wednesday's activity. Click here for a copy.

How would you like to earn some extra credit? Then you can answer the Blog Question #9. It is an Algebra-based question, so try it out! Click here to view it.

Also, Swish needs markers and batteries! Bring in ONE pack of dry erase markers for 5 points on a test. Bring in ONE pack of AAA batteries for 5 points on a test. You can do both, but the limit is ONE.

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