Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Homework #20

These are the assignments for the week of January 25, 2010:

Algebra I:
1. TAKS Workbook pg. 47, ALL PROBLEMS
2. Textbook: pg. 305-307, #4-10 (even), 20, 22, 32, 38
*Homework is due on FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2010.

Geometry Pre-AP:
1. pg. 444-445, #15-20, 24, 28, 30
2. pg. 453-454, #6-12 (even), 20-26 all
3. Your homework and Blog Question #4 is due on FRIDAY, JANUARY 29,

You have Math and English benchmarks on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Be prepared to do your best!

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