Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break: Make-Up Test for Geometry

Thanks for visiting the blog!

You have an opportunity to make-up the test in Geometry that we had on Friday, March 12, 2010. Please read the following instructions before you begin it.

1. You have 20 questions to answer. There is also a bonus question.
2. You can receive full credit on this test.
3. The way to submit your answers to this test:

a. E-mail me at with your answers by 10:00 PM on Sunday, March 21, 2010.


b. You can comment anonymously to this post by 10:00 PM on Sunday, March 21, 2010.


c. You can scan your test with your work and then send it by e-mail to by 10:00 PM on Sunday, March 21, 2010. Doing this will result in a 10-point bonus!

4. Absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to the above.

5. I will not accept ALL ways from one student. Doing so, will void your results for this make-up test. In this case, you will receive a grade of no more than a FORTY (40).

6. Do your best on it! Good luck!

Are you ready to get the test? Then choose your version!

a. Word Format

b. Adobe (PDF) Format

This test is no longer available.