Thursday, March 25, 2010

Geometry Question #8

Thank you for visiting the blog. You have until Sunday, April 4, 2010 by 11:59 PM to answer the following TWO-PART question. Make sure that you use COMPLETE sentences. For example, "No", "Yes", or "I don't know" would not be acceptable for full credit.

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Here is the two-part question...
a. Most of you are aware of the period table of elements. It has symbols that represent the names of elements. Here's your challenge: find TWO words of at least four letters that can be spelled using the symbols on this table. The letters must be in the same order as it is on the table. Then you must tell me what elements you used. Here's my example (that you cannot use):

Li + Fe = Life
The elements I used were Lithium and Iron.

I have also found a word using FOUR elements. Maybe you will find it as well...

Here is a link for that table, courtesy of

b. Simplify the following expression. Then, tell me what does the expression equal to if x = 11?

-5(x - 3) + 4(2 - x) - 3x