Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekly Assignments #19

Here are the assignments for the week of January 18, 2010:

Algebra I:
1. TAKS Workbook: pg. 45, ALL PROBLEMS
2. Worksheet: Writing & Graphing Linear Equations

Geometry Pre-AP:
1. Textbook: pg. 377, #4-10, 14-18, 23-28
2. Textbook: pg. 437-438, #14-28 (even)
3. You will receive your checklist for the 4th Six Weeks in class on Tuesday, January 20.
4. The fourth blog question is up.

In both classes, you will have a QUIZ on Friday, January 22, 2010.

Don't forget about the "What's My Number?" for this week!

P.S. And yes, I did skip #18 for the assignments.

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