Monday, January 11, 2010

Announcements for Week of January 11, 2010

Welcome to a new week in this new year! Here is what is happening this week...

Algebra I:
1. Your formative assessments will be taken on Monday and Tuesday of this week. It counts as a TEST grade for the third six weeks.

2. Your semester exam is on Wednesday, January 13. Remember, that this counts as 25% of your semester grade. You should by now have a copy of the semester exam review. If not, please e-mail me at

3. The reviews for your formative assessment are due on Monday, January 11. The review for your semester exam is due on Wednesday, January 13.

Geometry Pre-AP:

1. Your formative assessments will be taken on Monday and Tuesday of this week. It counts as a TEST grade for the third six weeks.

2. Your semester exam is taken on the day based on the NGC exam schedule...

2nd Period: Wednesday, January 13
3rd/4th Period: Thursday, January 14
6th Period: Friday, January 15

You should have a copy of the review for the semester exam by now. If you don't, please e-mail me at

3. The homework that was assigned on January 4, 2010 will be due this Wednesday, January 13.
4. The third blog question is due on Wednesday, January 13.

5. If you did not do the second blog question, you can do it now, but it must be in by Wednesday, January 13. There will be 10 points taken off for it being late.

6. Your two VIP posters are due on Wednesday, January 13.

7. Any extra credit (puzzles, games, supplies) are due on Wednesday, January 13.

*All classes
Be sure to check out this week's "What's My Number?". Remember, you get points towards a test grade and a 100 on a homework grade if you are the winner in your class!

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