Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Geometry Question #3

If you're looking for Geometry Question #2, click here.

Thank you for visiting the blog. Remember, you have until Wednesday, January 13, 2010, to answer the following TWO-PART question. Make sure that you use COMPLETE sentences. For example, "No", "Yes", or "I don't know" would not be acceptable for full credit.

Click on the link above and then post your comment. If you haven't signed up for the blog, click on the "Follow" button in the left margin.

If you choose not to "Follow" the blog, click the drop down arrow below the comment box and choose "Anonymous".

Either way you do it, be sure to include your first and last name, class period, and your answer to the question in the comment box.

If you have any problems commenting, please e-mail me.

Here is the two-part question...

a. The date January 1, 2010, can be written in shorthand as 01/01/10. You can add the 01 (month) and the 01 (day) together then multiply by 5 to get the 10 (year). What are two other dates (after January 1, 2000) that follow the same pattern as this one? Your answers should be written in the form "January 1, 2010".

b. Find the equation in slope-intercept form (you know, y = mx + b) of a line that passes through the points (-9, 6) and (15, 16). Explain your steps on how you find this equation.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Geometry Quiz: Section 5.4

Hello all! The quiz for section 5.4 for Geometry Pre-AP students is up on Study Island. Remember, you have until Monday, January 4, 2010, at 8:00 AM to complete it. Absolutely no excuses will be accepted if this is not done. Here's how it works...

1. Go to
Password: Your Student ID Number
3. Click on "My Class" in the left margin.
4. Find your class period.
5. Look for Quiz: Section 5.4.
6. Answer the 10 questions only ONCE.
7. Good luck!

If you have any questions about this, please e-mail me at

Happy holidays!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Make-Up for Three Weeks Test for Algebra & Geometry

Hello all!

If you did not get at least an 80 on the six weeks test that was taken on Wednesday, December 9th and Thursday, December 10th, you have a chance to make it up. Here's how:

1. I have written a test in Microsoft Word that I will e-mail to you when you are ready to take the test.

2. In order to let me know that you are ready, you must e-mail me at

3. Expect me to send you an e-mail with the test within 5 minutes. (If not, send another e-mail!)

4. By the time I send it to you, you will have exactly ONE HOUR to take the test.

5. When you are finished with your test, you will submit your answers into the body of an e-mail in this fashion...
Class Period

1. Answer
2. Answer
3. Answer
4. Answer
5. Answer
6. Answer
7. Answer
8. Answer
9. Answer
10. Answer
11. Answer (Question #11 is for Algebra only)

6. You may only submit answers ONCE, so please be sure you check your answers before sending it in.

7. Also, if you do not submit your answers within the ONE HOUR, I will not accept it all. So only e-mail me at first when you know you can devote up to an hour on the test.

8. If you get all 10 (or 11 for Algebra I) questions right, you will receive an 80. If you miss no more than 3 questions, you will get a 70. Otherwise, your score will be the number of questions correct times 10.

9. If you are doing this, you must complete this by Saturday, January, 2, 2010 at 10:00 PM.

10. If you have any other questions, please e-mail me at

11. Good luck!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Geometry Question #2

Thank you for visiting the blog. Remember, you have until Tuesday, January 5, 2010, to answer the following TWO-PART question. Make sure that you use COMPLETE sentences. For example, "No", "Yes", or "I don't know" would not be acceptable for full credit.

Click on the link above and then post your comment. If you haven't signed up for the blog, click on the "Follow" button in the left margin.

If you choose not to "Follow" the blog, click the drop down arrow below the comment box and choose "Anonymous".

Either way you do it, be sure to include your first and last name, class period, and your answer to the question in the comment box.

If you have any problems commenting, please e-mail me.

Here is the two-part question...

a. Take the following four numbers: 378, 296, 534, 162. If I asked you to pick the odd one out, which one would it be? Explain your reasoning.

b. Please list the steps that answer question #4 on pg. 322 in your Geometry textbook. (For a recreation of that problem, please click here.)

Geometry Question #1

Thank you for visiting the blog. If you're answeing the following TWO-PART question for the first time, you have until Saturday, December 19, 2009 by 12:00 NOON to answer the following TWO-PART question. Make sure that you use COMPLETE sentences. For example, "No", "Yes", or "I don't know" would not be acceptable for full credit.

Your score will be deducted by 10 points for not getting your response before the original deadline of Friday, December 11, 2009.

Click on the link above and then post your comment. If you haven't signed up for the blog, click on the "Follow" button in the left margin.

If you choose not to "Follow" the blog, click the drop down arrow below the comment box and choose "Anonymous".

Either way you do it, be sure to include your first and last name, class period, and your answer to the question in the comment box.

If you have any problems commenting, please e-mail me.

Here is the two-part question...

a. If you as the student had an MP3 player/iPod with a video screen, how could you use that in the classroom for educational purposes? Give two examples.

b. Your friend asked you to describe the midsegment theorem and how it works. How would you explain it?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Weekly Homework #16

Assignments are due on Thursday, December 10, 2009. We will have a QUIZ on Thursday, December 17, in both subjects as well.

Algebra I:

1. TAKS Workbook, pg. 41

Geometry Pre-AP:
1. Textbook: pg. 322-32, #5-12, 21-27, 33-35
2. Your first question is up on the blog under Geometry Question #2. This is due by Tuesday, January 5, 2010.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Geometry Student Letter

Please click here to get a copy of the student letter that was given to all Geometry students on November 30, 2009.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Geometry Review Key for 3-Week Test

To get the answers to the review that was passed out in class on Tuesday, December 8, please click here.

Be patient as it loads. It just takes a few seconds!

Also, notice that question #12, part b has been changed so that both expressions have a "y".

Remember, the test is TOMORROW, DECEMBER 9th!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Weekly Homework #15

Assignments are due on Thursday, December 10, 2009. We will have a TEST on Wednesday, December 9, in both subjects as well.

Algebra I:

1. Worksheet: Linear Equations Review

Geometry Pre-AP:

1. Textbook: pg. 313-314, #5-8, 11, 14, 17-20, 23
2. Your first question is up on the blog under Geometry Question #1. This is due by Friday, December 11.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekly Homework #14

Assignments are due on Friday, December 4, 2009. We will have a quiz on Friday in both subjects as well.

Algebra I:

1. Worksheet: Hot Air Balloon

Geometry Pre-AP:

1. Textbook: pg. 298-299, #6-12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24-32 (even)
2. Textbook: pg. 306-309, #4-8, 12-17, 20-22, 24, 34, 35
*Also, your first question is up for the blog.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have no school this week! I hope that you get your fair share of turkey this year.

Speaking of Turkey Day, did you know that November 26, 2009 falls on a Thursday in the same manner as that same date 28 years ago? That was only my 2nd Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Make-Up for Six Weeks Test for Algebra & Geometry

Hello all!

If you did not get at least an 80 on the six weeks test that was taken on Thursday, November 12th, you have a chance to make it up. Here's how:

1. I have written a test in Microsoft Word that I will e-mail to you when you are ready to take the test.

2. In order to let me know that you are ready, you must e-mail me at

3. Expect me to send you an e-mail with the test within 5 minutes.

4. By the time I send it to you, you will have exactly ONE HOUR to take the test.

5. When you are finished with your test, you will submit your answers into the body of an e-mail in this fashion...
Class Period

1. Answer
2. Answer
3. Answer
4. Answer
5. Answer
6. Answer
7. Answer
8. Answer
9. Answer
10. Answer

6. You many only submit answers ONCE, so please be sure you check your answers before sending it in.

7. Also, if you do not submit your answers within the ONE HOUR, I will not accept it all. So only e-mail me at first when you know you can devote up to an hour on the test.

8. If you get all 10 questions right, you will receive an 80. If you miss no more than 3 questions, you will get a 70. Otherwise, your score will be the number of questions correct times 10.

9. If you are doing this, you must complete this by Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 10:00 PM.

10. If you have any other questions, please e-mail me at

11. Good luck!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Weekly Homework #12

There is no homework for this week. However, there are extra credit opportunities for both subjects.

Algebra I:

1. TAKS WB pg. 43
2. Solving Equations Worksheet, part 2

Geometry Pre-AP:
1. Bingo Plays Worksheet

As a reminder, our six weeks test will be on Thursday, November 12. Reviews will be given on Wednesday!

Extra Credit Items:
Dry Erase Markers (4 pack): 5 points on a test (Limit 1)
Box of Tissues (new): 100 on a homework grade (Limit 1)

The end of the six weeks is on Friday, November 13.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekly Homework #11

This week's homework will be due on Friday, November 6th.

Algebra I:
1. TAKS Workbook: pg. 3
2. Solving Equations Worksheet

Geometry Pre-AP:

1. Textbook: pg. 259-263, #4-9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 27, 41, 42
2. Textbook: pg. 267-268, #3-9, 12-17, 20-32 (even)

Quiz on FRIDAY!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

9-Week Assessment Reviews

Please click here to access the reviews I gave for both math classes.

If you are having trouble getting them, please e-mail me.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Homework #10

This week's homework will be due on Friday, October 30th.

Algebra I:

Textbook: pg. 232 #7-12, pg 233 #3/4, pg. 239 #9/10/11/14/18, pg. 240-41 24/38, pg. 247, #15

Geometry Pre-AP:

Textbook: pg. 243-244, #6-8, 10-24 even; pg. 246, #42, 43

9-Week Assessments for Math is on THURSDAY!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

That Special Number

The number 4 is used in a lot of situations:

1. Four quarters in a football or basketball game
2. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
3. Texting
4. Golf... no, no that's a different one.

But did you know that it's the only number that when spelled has the same number of letters as itself?

4 = F O U R

(4 letters!)

Neat, huh?

Two Questions for 10/21/2009

Below is the questions that I gave on Wednesday, October 21st, for when I was absent. Students are to turn this in to the sub BEFORE leaving their class period.

Algebra I
1. Taylor has six dollars in his pocket. He makes $12 an hour for tutoring Algebra. How many hours must he make tutor to have $162 total in his pocket?

2. Simplify: 8h + 3(4 -2h) - 5(6 - h).

Geometry Pre-AP

1. The vertices of triangle GHI and triangle RST are G(-2, 5), H(2, 5), I(-2, 2), R(-9, 8), S(-5, 8) and T(-9, 5). Graph each triangle and find the perimeter of each one.

2. Are triangle GHI and triangle RST congruent? Explain.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekly Homework #9

This week's homework is due on Friday, October 23rd!

Algebra I:

Mixed Practice Worksheet

Geometry Pre-AP:

Textbook: pg. 228, #3, 5-10, 12, 14-21 [Section 4.2]
Textbook: pg. 236, #1-4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14-21 [Section 4.3]

Assessment on FRIDAY!

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Quick Question...

1991 and 2002 were the last two years to share the same characteristic.

What will be the next year that shares the same characteristic as these two years?

Answer forthcoming. Please post your answer here.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekly Homework #8

This week's homework is due on Friday, October 16th!

Algebra I:
TAKS Workbook: PG 37 1-7
Textbook: PG 219, #4,8,16, 24, 30, 36 ,42
Textbook: PG 229, #4,8,12,17,30,32

Geometry Pre-AP:

Textbook: pg. 221, #1-7, 13, 16, 19, 20, 27, 28-36 [Section 4.1]

Assessment on FRIDAY!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Extra Credit Puzzle

I gave a Cross Sums puzzle to my Algebra I classes and a KenKen puzzle to my Geometry classes on Monday, October 5. This is worth extra credit and is due by the end of the student's class period on Tuesday, October 13.

If you need a copy of your appropriate puzzle, please e-mail me.

UIL Math Events

Update: There will be an information meeting for interested students on the following days and times:

1. Tuesday, October 13: 3:45 - 4:15 PM
2. Wednesday, October 14: 7:35 - 7:55 AM

The UIL Math events include...

1. Number Sense
2. Calculator
3. Math

If you are interested, let Mr. Swisher know as soon as possible. We look forward to starting practices the week of October 12th.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekly Homework for Week #7

This week's homework due date is on Thursday, October 8th.

Algebra I:

1. Distributive Property and Combining Like Terms Worksheet

Geometry Pre-AP:

1. Textbook pg. 44-45, #3, 6, 9, 12, 15-30 (all)
2. Textbook pg. 54, #30-33 all

There is a possibility that we will have a quiz in both classes on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8TH.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

If You're Following This Blog...

Please e-mail me at here. Include your first and last name as well as your class period.

If you aren't following this blog, click on the "follow" button on the side bar. Then e-mail me here.

Thanks for following!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Geometry Test #2 Review

For Geometry students, click HERE to get to the answers for today's review. E-mail me if you have any questions.

Remember, the test is TOMORROW!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekly Homework #5

This week's homework is due on Friday, September 25th!

Algebra I:

1. Worksheet: Scatterplot Practice

Geometry Pre-AP:

1. Textbook: pg. 175-176, #4-30 (even)
2. Textbook: pg. 184-185, #3-52 (multiples of 3)


1. There will be a quiz that covers the week's material on Friday, September 25.

2. The next text for both subjects will be on Tuesday, September 29. Remember, tests count for 50% of your six weeks grade!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Weekly Homework #4

As always, assignments are due on FRIDAY! This week's due date is Friday, September 18th.

Algebra 1:

1. TAKS Workbook: pg. 105, #1-7
2. Textbook pg. 99, #6-24 (even), 32, 38, 40

Geometry Pre-AP:

1. Textbook pg. 150-151, #5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14-28 (even), 29-32
2. Textbook pg. 157 -158, #3, 7, 8, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22-32 (even)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weekly Homework #3

As always, assignments are due on FRIDAY! This week's due date is Friday, September 11th.

Algebra 1:

1. TAKS Workbook: pg. 103, #1-9
2. Worksheet: Combine Like Terms

Geometry Pre-AP:

1. Textbook pg. 28-30, #3-30 (multiples of 3), 33-38, 40, 42, 44
2. Textbook pg. 38-40, #3-33 (multiples of 3), 34-44 (even)

*Also remember, we have a 3-week test on Friday covering material from the first day of school through this week's homework.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Another Question

Posed by a student in my 6th period class the other day...

How is 4 half of 5?

The correct response:

5 is spelled FIVE. If you take away the F and the E, you are left with IV. The Roman numeral IV is 4.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Homework Assignments: Week of August 24, 2009

Algebra I: Order of Operations Worksheet, Crossing the River

Geometry Pre-AP: pg. 5-7, #3-6, 8-11, 15-36 (multiples of 3), Crossing the River

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick Question...

How many postive numbers less than 10 have an odd number of letters when spelled out?

Sign Up to Follow the Blog

You are here to follow the blog of the Math Authority. This is one of your first homework assignments. To become a follower, click here.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What's My Number? Rules

Welcome to the What's My Number game!

The object of the the game is to be the first in your class period to come up with a 3 or 4-digit number based on a set of clues given during the week. One clue will be given per day and the clues get easier as the week progresses.

When you post an answer, please include the following:

First and Last Name
Subject and Class Period
Your Number is _____________ .

If you are the first person in your class period to either e-mail me at or post to this blog with the correct answer, you will win a 100 on a homework grade and a certain number of points earned on a TEST grade for the six weeks based on when you answer the clue...

1st Day: 10 points
2nd Day: 8 points
3rd Day: 6 points
4th Day: 5 points

You may guess up to TWO (2) times each week. If more than two guesses are submitted, you are DISQUALIFIED from that week's number. Guesses must be submitted by 10:00 PM on the day the last clue is given. No answers will be accepted after this time!

One other wrinkle: If you win, you will have to sit the game out for ONE week. This allows other students to a chance to win as well.

There are no carryovers from week to week, which means if no one has guessed the number by the end of the week, the points disappear. Good luck!

For this week's clues, click here. For the rules, read below.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at

What Did You Do During Summer Vacation?

After you have become a follower, please post something you did that was interesting this past summer.