Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Soul Food Waiting

Happy new year to each of you!  I hope 2014 brings blessings to you and your family.

Here's a problem to start off the new year, in honor of my two brothers-in law...

Hope to hear from you!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Landing Your Christmas Gift

Here is a question from Day 4 of my Christmas Algebra Challenge.  Maybe one of these days it will happen to my son for real!

It's Just a Simple Multiplication Problem

Here is one of the questions from Day 3 of my Christmas Algebra Challenge.  I would love to hear a response from you for this question:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Who Steps on This Elevator?

The Christmas Algebra Challenge has returned!  Hope you enjoyed the time with your family and exchanging gifts.

But it's back to work with this question.  I hope to hear your responses.

Monday, December 23, 2013

When Did Aunt Debra Celebrate Her First Christmas?

As some of you may know, I am doing an extra credit Christmas Algebra Challenge during the next two weeks for my Algebra students.  I know some of you may be hesitant to answer the questions I have in store during this break, so I would like to give one of the questions that I gave on Monday, December 23:

I look forward to hearing from some of you on the answer to this question!

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Real Bargain!

I went to a CD store in Arlington this past Saturday and was able to find something good to listen to -- guitarist Jonathan Butler's second album from 1987. (Yes, I still buy CDs when they're on sale.) Before I found the CD I wanted I came across another CD that was on sale-- Mariah Carey's 1990 debut album, which is already in my collection. Both CDs were in the $3.99 sale bin.

Mr. Butler's CD was marked down from $6.99.... Ms. Carey's was marked down from $4.00! That's right... one penny less! Yeah, a real sale!

So that got me thinking... Hopefully most of you know the tricks that marketing plays on us, especially when it comes to gas prices. When your station posts a price in large numbers (like $3.26) there's a small 9 after it (usually as a superscript). Just know you're really paying $3.27 a gallon and you'll have a little less in the pocketbook then intended.

Also, wait for something to go on sale... It just might drop ONE WHOLE CENT and you can get some of that gas money back!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Sequence Day!

Today is October 11, 2012, or 10/11/12. How many more times do you expect for something like this to happen again in your lifetime?